At Patrimonio, we believe there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all portfolio. The investment plan you build with your advisor helps to determine the overall risk and target allocation your investment portfolio will have.
Our portfolios are made up of diversified groups of index-tracking exchange-traded funds (ETFs). By designing your portfolio for the long-term and diversifying your portfolio across each asset class, we provide a solid base for your investment plan to help weather an ever-changing market. That’s why our portfolios are designed to meet varying levels of risk tolerance, time frames, and goals.
The portfolios presented below are core portfolios and are only provided so the investor can evaluate the risk and return profile of each different allocation. All of our portfolios are adjusted and customized on a case by case basis, given the different goals, country of residency/citizenship, time horizon and risk tolerance of each client.

Balancing Risk and Return
The asset allocation target that works best for you changes at different times in your life, depending on how long you have to invest (time horizon) and your ability to tolerate risk (risk tolerance).
Because all investments involve risk, investors must manage the balance between risk and potential reward through their asset allocation selection. We believe investors should take no more risk than they are emotionally and financially able to bear. Realistic returns assumptions, not hopes – are essential to choosing the optimal allocation.